2024 C21U Impact Report

Online Publications and Symposiums
Campus: A Times Higher Education Online Platform
Since 2022, C21U has partnered with Campus to establish Georgia Tech as a global thought leader in all things related to higher education. The platform allows higher education professionals to showcase their expertise and build networks with colleagues worldwide. As their partner, we have introduced them to Tech faculty and staff who have contributed as writers and subject matter experts in more than 40 pieces, including articles, webinars, and podcasts published on our Campus page. Below is a list of C21U’s staff contributions to the platform:
Agvent, C., Gramaglia, L., Lamb, J., & Lee, J. (2023, June). Getting Digital Assessment Right
Goel, A., (2023, August). THE podcast: The AI University is Coming
Goel, A., & Wu, J. F., (2022, October). THE podcast: Is AI in Higher Education Worth the Hype?
Harmon, S. (2022, September). Why My Hobbies Make Me a Better Scholar
Lee, J., (2023, May). Effective Assessment Practices for a ChatGPT-Enabled World
Lee, J., (2024, May). Leveraging LLMs to Assess Soft Skills in Lifelong Learning
Lee, J., & Sembrat, S. (2023, October). Moving Microcredentials Forward: How Universities Are Incubators and Early Adopters
Lee, J., & Yilmaz Soylu, M. (2023, September). In the loop: How Formative Feedback Supports Remote Teaching
Symposiums facilitate the exchange of ideas, encourage problem-solving, and promote collaboration among experts. They enhance Georgia Tech’s intellectual environment and contribute to the overall growth of scientific knowledge. Therefore, symposiums are an integral part of C21U's programming. Over the past three years, we have invited thought leaders to join us in meaningful conversations about critical topics related to higher education.
The Civic Role of Universities in a Changing Educational Landscape (2022)
The event featured presidents Ángel Cabrera of Georgia Tech, M. Brian Blake of Georgia State University, Gregory Fenves of Emory University, and Georgia Tech’s Provost, Steven McLaughlin. The program focused on higher education institutions in Atlanta, Georgia. The presidential panel discussion explored the symposium's main topic, providing different insights into the universities' civic role in our evolving educational landscape. Steve Harmon, the executive director of C21U, shared how Tech's academic research is shaping and revolutionizing higher education. Ashok Goel, C21U’s chief scientist, also led a discussion on the vital role played by NSF-funded institutes such as the National AI Institute for Adult Learning and Online Education (AI-ALOE) in shaping the future of universities.

Generative Futures: Revolutionizing Learning with Artificial Intelligence (2023)
The symposium’s presenters delved into how generative AI is transforming creativity and shaping the future of education. In his talk, From Panic to Promise: Embracing Conversational AI in Education, keynote speaker David Joyner, executive director of OMSCS and Online Education and Zvi Galil PEACE Chair at Georgia Tech College of Computing, addressed educators' initial concerns regarding the impact of generative AI on assessments. While under the title of Artificial Imagination: AI in Sci-Fi, Cinema, and Fine Art, panelists from the School of Literature, Media, and Communication assistant professor of Science-Fiction Film Ida M. Yoshinaga, Regents Professor of Science Fiction Studies Lisa Yaszek, artist and professor of the practice Mark J. Leibert, and moderator C21U executive director Dr. Stephen Harmon focused on AI in pop culture, identifying its roots in turn-of-the-century scientific and social change and storytelling, its use in speculative/fantastic genre fiction and screenwriting, and the ethics and creative potential when producing original visual and musical artifacts.

AI for Lifetime Learning Spring Research Symposium (2024)
C21U and the Division of Lifetime Learning hosted the event that brought together a diverse group of professionals and students from various departments and organizations within the Institute, including the Office of the Provost, AI-ALOE, the Center for Teaching and Learning, Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), the Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation, Constellations Center for Equity in Computing, Georgia Tech Library, Leadership Education and Development, the College of Computing at Georgia Tech, and the Schools of Architecture, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Interactive Computing, Industrial Design, Literature, Media, and Communication; Mechanical Engineering, and Mathematics. These professionals shared their research and insights on AI for lifetime learning through panels, talks, and a poster session.

Research Publications and Presentations
Ananou, S., Buban, J., Coffey, L. & Harmon, S. (May 2024). What will the 'intelligent' campus look like in 2025? Digital Universities Week. St. Louis, Missouri
Bardakçı, S. Yılmaz Soylu, M., & Akkoyunlu B. Deryakulu, D. (2022). Collaborations, concepts, and citations in educational technology: An investigation via bibliographic mapping tool. Education and Information Technologies 27, 4321–4346
Castanzo, S. & Goetzel, W. (2024, June). Advancing Together: A Guide for Higher Education on Engaging in the 1EdTech Community. 1EdTech Learning Impact Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah
DiPirro, M., Yilmaz Soylu, M., Lee, J., Sembrat, E., Goetzel, W., Moss, K., & Matthews, C. (2024, March). Digital Credentials as Catalyst for Change and Innovation. UPCEA 2024 Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
de la Fuente, Kauffman, D.F., & Yılmaz Soylu, M. (2022). Achievement emotions in university teaching and learning, students' stress, and well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 910980. frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.910980/full
Fisher, A., Hellar, B., Bart, P., & Goetzel, W. (2024, June). The Great Data Lake: Perspectives in Leveraging Caliper at Scale. 1EdTech Learning Impact Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah
Freeman, S., Goetzel, W., Lee, J., & Sembrat, E. (2024, March). User Insights in LMS Digital Credentials in Lifelong Education. Digital Credentials Summit 2024. New Orleans, Louisiana
Gallard, A. Yilmaz Soylu, M., Lee, J., & Desai, R. (2024, April). Enhancing Graduate Admissions: Leveraging AI for Leadership Assessment in LORs. AI for Lifetime Learning Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia
Garn, M., Goetzel, W. & Spezzo, V. (2024, June). Building a Learning Analytics Coalition of the Willing. 1EdTech Learning Impact Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah
Harmon, S. (May 2022). Connecting Globally/Expanding Access. International Academic Forum. Cambridge, MA
Harmon, S. (2023, May). Forecasting the Future of Education and Lifelong Learning. EduTrends podcast.
Harmon, S. (January 2023). Innovation for Access in Lifelong Learning: A Changing Role for Higher Education. International Conference on Education Innovation. Monterrey, Mexico
Harmon, S. (2024, June). The Intersection of AI and Education: Going Beyond the Hype. 1EdTech Learning Impact Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah
Harmon, S. (2024, June). Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI. 1EdTech Learning Impact Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah
Harmon, S. (2024, May). What Will the 'Intelligent' Campus Look Like in 2025? Times Higher Education Digital Universities US. St. Louis, Missouri
Harmon, S., Jaschik, S. & Komarny, P. (May 2023). The discerning innovators' approach to digital transformation. Digital Universities Week. Chicago, Illinois
Hosmer IV, J., & Lee, J. (2021, June). How Online Learners Build Cognitive Presence: Implications from a Machine Learning Approach. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 351-354). doi.org/10.1145/3430895.3460986
Irish, I., Chatterjee, S., Jivani, S., Jia, X., Lee, J., Arriaga, R., & Starner, T. (2023, July). Managing the Chaos: Approaches to Navigating Discussion Forums for Instructional Staff. In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 406-410). doi/10.1145/3573051.3596197
Lee, J., Bezdek, M., Soylu, M. Y., Soleimani, F., Nguyen, T., Joshi, J., Chanda, R., Schumacher, E., & Harmon, S. W. (2022, July). Relating neural mechanisms for learning to instructional events in online learning environments. Poster session presented at the 2022 International Mind, Brain, and Education Society (IMBES) Conference. Montreal, Canada
Lee, J., Soleimani, F., & Harmon, S. W. (2021). Emergency move to remote teaching: A mixed-method approach to understand faculty perceptions and instructional practices. American Journal of Distance Education, 35, 259-275. doi.org/10.1080/08923647.2021.1980705
Lee, J., Soleimani, F., Irish, I., Hosmer, IV, J., Soylu M. Y., Finkelberg, R., & Chatterjee, S. (2022). Predicting cognitive presence in at-scale online learning: MOOC and for-credit online course environments, Online Learning, 26(1), 58-79. https://doi.org/10.24059/olj.v26i1.3060
Lee, J. J., Lisle, M., & Courville, T. (2021). Adapting vertically scaled solutions across many Georgia Tech classes. In Gazi, Y. & Baker, N. (Eds.), Moving Horizontally: The New Dimensions of At-Scale Learning at the Time of COVID-19 (pp. 115-130). Georgia Institute of Technology. Retrieved from: hdl.handle.net/1853/64296
Lee, J. & Soleimani, F. (2021, April). Analyzing MOOC environment using clickstream events data: Implications for learners’ cognitive experience. Round table session presented at the virtual 2021 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting.
Lee, J. & Soleimani, F. (2021, April). Emergency move to remote teaching: Implications for faculty’s perceptions and institutional practices. Paper session presented at the virtual 2021 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting.
Lee, J., Soleimani, F., & Harmon, S. (2021, April). Lessons learned from an emergency move to remote teaching: Implications for supporting faculty during and beyond the pandemic. Collaborative session presented at the virtual 2021 University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) Annual Conference.
Lee, J., Soleimani, F., & Harmon, S.W. (2022). Reflecting on a year of emergency remote teaching. In Dennen, V., Dickson-Deane, C., Ge, X., Ifenthaler, D., Murthy, S., Richardson, J.C. (Eds.) Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations. Educational Communications and Technology: Issues and Innovations. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-99634-5_17
Lee, J., Soleimani, F., & Harmon, S.W. (2022). Reflecting on a year of emergency remote teaching. In Dennen, V., Dickson-Deane, C., Ge, X., Ifenthaler, D., Murthy, S., Richardson, J.C. (Eds.) Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations. Educational Communications and Technology: Issues and Innovations. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-99634-5_17
Lee, J., Soleimani, F., & Yilmaz Soylu, M. (2022, November). Online master’s student enrollment and retention trends: Comparison between pre- and post-pandemic. University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) South Region Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Lee, J., & Yilmaz Soylu,M. (2024, April). Exploring Students’ Learning Experience and Perceptions Towards Affordances of ChatGPT. AI for Lifetime Learning Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia.
Lee, J., Yilmaz Soylu, M., & Gallard, A. (2023, April). Data analytics approaches to understanding student enrollment and learning outcomes in an online MicroMasters program. Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate 2023, Nashville, TN.
Lee, J., Yilmaz Soylu, M., & Gallard, A. (2023, December). Leveraging Data Analytics for Online STEM MicroMasters Program Enhancement. Affordable Degrees at Scale 2023, Atlanta, Georgia.
Lee, J., Soylu, M. Y., & Ou, C. (2023). Exploring insights from online students: Enhancing the design and development of intelligent textbooks for the future of online education. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, 7(2). doi.org/10.1615/IntJInnovOnlineEdu.2023049742
Schiff, D. S., Lee, J., Borenstein, J., & Zegura, E. (2023). The impact of community engagement on undergraduate social responsibility attitudes. Studies in Higher Education, 1-17. doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2023.2260414
Schiff, D., Lee, J., Borenstein, J., & Zegura, E. (2022, February). Influences and Inhibitors in Undergraduate Social Responsibility Development: Evidence from a Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Study. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Soleimani, F., & Lee, J. (2021, June). Comparative analysis of the feature extraction approaches for predicting learners progress in online courses: MicroMasters credential versus traditional MOOCs. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 151-159). doi.org/10.1145/3430895.3460143
Soleimani, F., Lee, J., & Yilmaz Soylu, M. (2023, April). Exploring the influence of academic background on student success in an online graduate degree program. Paper session presented at the virtual 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting.
Soleimani, F., Lee, J., Yilmaz Soylu, M., & Chatterjee, S. (2022, June). Influential Text-Based Features in Predicting Admission Status of Online Degree Applicants. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 360-363). doi.org/10.1145/3491140.3528318
Soleimani, F., Soylu, M. Y., & Lee, J. (2022). Analyzing learners' engagement in a MicroMasters program compared to non-degree MOOC. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2022.2121342
Yilmaz Soylu, M., Kim, L., & Lee, J. (2024). Insights into College Students' Experiences and Expectations for VR Integration in Education. iLRN 24 - 10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network
Yilmaz Soylu, M., & Lee, J. (2024, April). Examining College Students' Readiness of Virtual Reality in Education. 2024 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Yilmaz Soylu, M., & Lee, J. (2023, July). Investigating Metacognitive Presence in a MOOC Course Environment. 2023 DT&L/SOLA+R Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
Yilmaz Soylu, M. & Lee, J. (2022, November). Using learning analytics for evaluating 21st-century skills on admission to an online degree program. University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) South Region Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Yilmaz Soylu, M., Lee, J., & Gallard, A. (2023, December). Using NLP to Identify Leadership Skills for Online Master’s Program Admissions. Affordable Degrees at Scale 2023, Atlanta, Georgia.
Yilmaz Soylu, M. Lee, J., & Husing, Z. (2024, April). Transforming Higher Education: Harnessing Virtual Reality in an Undergraduate Classroom. 2024 USG Teaching and Learning Conference, Athens, Georgia
Yilmaz Soylu, M., Lee, J., Schumacher, E., & Harmon, S. (2024, July). Decoding the Brain's Response to Instructional Design in Online Course Videos. 2024 DT&L/SOLA+R Conference, Minneapolis.
Zengilowski, A., Lee, J., Gaines, R. E., Park, J. H., Choi, E., & Schallert, D. (2023). The collective classroom “we”: The role of students’ sense of belonging on their affective, cognitive, and discourse experiences of online and face-to-face discussions. Linguistics and Education, 73, 101142. doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2022.101142